Explaining Autism on the World Autism Awareness Day
What is Autism?
Autism is a lifelong developmental disability or disorder that affects how a person communicates with and relates to other people. Furthermore, it also affects how they make sense of the world around them. It is a spectrum condition, which means that, while all people with it share certain difficulties, their condition will affect them in different ways. Currently, 1 in every 68 children has the disorder.
Symptoms and early signs of Autism
The symptoms usually develop from an early age and can be detected from age two to three. Although these symptoms don’t get recognized easily but still are developed in an individual. The symptoms usually include,
- Inability to perform daily tasks
- Difficult maintaining eye contact
- Trouble understanding simple directions
- Limited social contact
- Depression
- Tourette’s
- Auditory processing
- Repetitive behavior (may play and do things in the same way and keep on doing that)
- High pain tolerance
- Picky eater
- Dislike hair washing, cutting nails, or daily hygiene tasks
Precisely why Autism happens isn’t clear. It could originate from issues in pieces of your cerebral brain part that decipher tangible information and interaction language and is multiple times more normal in young men than in young ladies. Moreover, it can occur in individuals of any race, nationality, or social foundation. Family pay, way of life, or educational level doesn’t influence a kid’s danger of mental imbalance. The disorder often runs in families, so certain combinations of genes may increase a child’s risk for it.
Children with older parents have a higher danger of this disorder. Autism can also happen to women who take medications similar to liquor or hostile to seizure drugs. Additionally, other risk factors include maternal metabolic conditions like diabetes.
History World Autism Day
April 2 was proclaimed as World Autism Awareness Day by the United Nations General Assembly to feature and highlight the need to improve the life quality of those with mental imbalance so they can lead full and significant lives as a necessary piece of society. Finally, the goal to observe World Autism Day was passed by the United Nations General Assembly on November 1, 2007. And, was declared on December 18, 2007.

Indeed, on World Autism Day, let’s make a pledge to create awareness and care for people around us who are dealing with this disorder.