Book Review: Johnny Angel by Danielle Steel
A mother’s love can move mountains. A kind of bond that can heal tough wounds and makes everything alright. But what if some tragedy strikes? Will the mother be able to heal? Johnny Angel by Danielle Steel is a tale of love and remembrance.
About the Author
Danielle Steel is a renowned American writer and novelist, most notable for her romance novels. Steel is one of the bestselling authors and fourth bestselling author of all time. She has written over 179 books and sold over 800 million copies. Her novels are often described as Formulaic. Which involves characters in a crisis, somehow making her characters seem less realistic. Her books encompass life issues like family, life, wealth, death, crises etcetera. 22 of Danielle’s books have been adapted for television. One of them [One is Jewels] received Golden Globe nominations.
The Book in Review – Johnny Angel by Danielle Steel
Seventeen year old, Johnny Peterson could light up anybody’s day with a charming nature and beautiful smile, fill his mom with bliss and pride, make his girl, Becky, melt with a look, and move his siblings easily. Johnny, the valedictorian of his senior class, had a brilliant future anticipating him with a football scholarship that guaranteed him a staggering future. In any case, it was totally removed when another person’s terrible driving ended Johnny’s life as well as enormously hurt Johnny’s family and those near him.
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Johnny Angel is a near-to-reality fiction book about overcoming a loss. Danielle’s writing style is unique and straightforward. She uses dialogues to let her characters communicate and make background information for better understanding that paints a nice picture in the head.
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Johnny Angel is about the battle for Johnny’s family and his darling girlfriend, Becky, to pick back the bits of their messed-up lives. Notwithstanding the misfortune that hurt Johnny’s now broken family much more, a supernatural miracle happened that saved them.
The family crisis
Johnny’s family experienced difficulties before Johnny’s demise. Five years prior when Johnny’s sibling, Bobby, was just five, he and his dad, Jim, drove off a scaffold. The two of them endure, anyway barely. An outsider saved Bobby, and Jim figured out how to get out in the nick of time. Bobby was in a coma for about fourteen days, and since the time then Bobby hasn’t expressed a word. Jeff is so overwhelmed by blame that he can’t figure out how to remain in his home (calm, that is). Thus, consistently, while Bobby is secured in his quiet world, Jim drinks himself to snooze in front of the TV.
The mother-son love dynamic
Johnny’s mom, Alice, is the most disturbed about the misfortune. Johnny meant the world to her. He was her first boy and his birth to the world was the best moment of her life. In the agony and sorrow of Johnny’s passing, she shed pounds, dozes barely, and is debilitated. One night she turns out to be wiped out to the point that she starts puking blood. She is raced to the emergency clinic and goes through serious medicines for a draining ulcer and ultimately Alice improves, however she likely would have died if not for a miracle, a marvel that was going to patch many broken hearts.
Danielle Steel Johnny Angel presents the Peterson family has had quite a damage to their end, that transformed their lives. But they are all invested and got a wake-up call with the miracle that comes walking in their lives. This story should be read with a box of tissues as it is so beautiful and engaging that it connects you through every curve of the story. The plot is inspiring and the value of relationships tickles the soul creatively. This book by Danielle Steel should be on your list!
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Goodreads 3.9/5
☆☆☆☆☆ 3.9/5